function Show-Usage { Write-Host "cbc-sensor-capture.ps1 captures performance data for CBC sensor" Write-Host "Script starts requested traces and pauses for use to reproduce specific issues or capture adequate sample." Write-Host "Hit enter to stop trace and capture data." Write-Host "Needs to be run in account with admin privileges and access to authenticated CLI commands." Write-Host "If a low alt procmon is desired, first copy procmonlowalt.exe to c:\temp before running script." Write-Host " " Write-Host "Usage : cbc-sensor-capture.ps1 " Write-Host "The following commands are currently supported. Note you can specify multiple commands except wpr and procmon in same run is not allowed." Write-Host "amsi - enables AMSI ETL logging" Write-Host "bypass - puts the sensor into bypass. useful for capturing procmon and wpr traces to compare with sensor enabled." Write-Host "config - updates config settings stored in c:\temp\config.json. Note config changes will stay in place until sensor or system restarts." Write-Host "debug - enables sensor verbos debuggging" Write-Host "keepevents - retain psc event batches" Write-Host "netsh - capture network packets" Write-Host "procmon - capture process monitor trace" Write-Host "skipreset - counters are reset by default. If you do not want to reset countesr for test, specify this option" Write-Host "wpr - capture Windows performance trace" Write-Host "minifilter - capture Windows performance trace with minifilter I/O activity" Write-Host " " Write-Host "Script works better if run from regular command line (cmd.exe)" } function Test-Admin { $principal = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() if( -not $principal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { Write-Host "You must be an Administrator to run this tool" exit 1 } } function Test-Repcli { & "C:\Program Files\Confer\RepCLI.exe" configprops | Out-Null if ( !$? ) { Write-Host "Not running as CLI authenticated user" exit 1 } } function Reset-Counters { & "C:\Program Files\Confer\RepCLI.exe" resetcounters if ( !$? ) { Write-Host "Reset Sensor Counters failed" } } function Download-Procmon { [string]$Destination = "c:\temp\procmon64.exe" if (-not (Test-Path $Destination)) { (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "c:\temp\procmon64.exe") } if ( [System.IO.File]::Exists( "c:\temp\procmon64.exe" )) { Set-Variable -name "downloadProcmon" -Value $true -Scope global return "c:\temp\procmon64.exe" } else { return $null } } function Get-Procmon { if ( [System.IO.File]::Exists("c:\temp\procmonlowalt.exe") ) { return "c:\temp\procmonlowalt.exe" } elseif ( [System.IO.File]::Exists("c:\temp\procmon64.exe") ) { return "c:\temp\procmon64.exe" } elseif ( [System.IO.File]::Exists( "c:\temp\procmon.exe") ) { return "c:\temp\procmon.exe" } #$downloadProcmon = [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('Unable to find procmon in c:\temp. Would you like to download procmon from sysinternsl?','Game input','YesNo','Error') #$cont = Read-Host -Prompt "Procmon not found in c:\temp. Do you want to download from" #if ( $downloadpProcmon -eq 'yes') { $cont = Read-Host -Prompt "Procmon not found in c:\temp. Do you want to download from" if ( $cont -eq 'yes' -or $cont -eq 'y' ) { return Download-Procmon } else { return $null } } # main # Policies to enable/disable event batch retention $keepEventsOn = @" { "Version": "1.0", "ConfigProps": [ { "Name": "PscEventBatchKeepLocalCopy", "Data": "1" } ] } "@ $keepEventsOff = @" { "Version": "1.0", "ConfigProps": [ { "Name": "PscEventBatchKeepLocalCopy", "Data": "0" } ] } "@ # globals $global:downloadProcmon = $null $resetcounters = $false $procmon = $false $wpr = $false $minifilter = $false $debug = $false $procmonFile = $null $bypass = $false $netsh = $false $keepEvents = $false $config = $false $amsi = $false $timeStamp=Get-Date -Format "yyyyddMMHHmmss" $logFolder="c:\temp\"+$timeStamp $pmlFile=$logFolder+"\sensor.pml" $nettraceEtl=$logFolder+"\NetTrace.etl" $nettraceMan=$logFolder+"\" $wprFile=$logFolder+"\sensor.etl" $amsiFile=$logFolder+"\cbamsi.etl" $capi2File=$logFolder+"\capi2.evtx" $keepEventsJson=$logFolder+"\pscEventBatch.json" $hostName=[System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByName(($env:computerName)).HostName $uninstallCode = $null $needUnlock = $false $configJsonFile = "c:\temp\config.json" try { $repmgrVersion = (get-item "c:\program files\confer\repmgr.exe").VersionInfo.FileVersion [float]$repmgrMajorMinor = $repmgrVersion.substring(0,3) } catch { [float]$repmgrMajorMinor = 0 } $validArgs=@("help","skipreset","procmon","wpr","minifilter","debug","bypass","netsh","keepevents","amsi","config") if ( $args.count -eq 0 ) { $confirmation = Read-Host "No options means only counters will be reset. Do you want to continue (y/n)?" if ( $confirmation -ne 'y' ) { Write-Host "Type 'cbc-sensor-capture help' for usage" exit 0 } } else { for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $args.count; $i++ ) { if ( -not $validArgs.Contains($args[$i]) ) { Write-Host "Invalid option " $args[$i] Write-Host "Type 'cbc-sensor-capture help' for usage" exit 1; } switch ($args[$i]) { "help" { Show-Usage; exit 0 } "skipreset" { $skipreset = $true; } "procmon" { $procmon = $true; } "wpr" { $wpr = $true; } "minifilter" { $minifilter = $true; } "debug" { $debug = $true; } "bypass" { $bypass = $true; } "netsh" { $netsh = $true; } "keepevents" { $keepEvents = $true; } "amsi" { $amsi = $true; } "config" { $config = $true; } } } } if (-not [System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem ) { Write-Host "Script only supports 64-bit operating systems." exit 1 } Test-Admin Test-Repcli # Check if OS is Elam supported $ELAMSupportedBuild = 15063 $ELAMSupported = $false $osver = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").CurrentBuildNumber # Convert to integer $osver = 0 + $osver if ( $osver -ge $ELAMSupportedBuild ) { Write-Host "ELAM Supported" $ELAMSupported = $true } else { Write-Host "ELAM Not Supported" } if ( $procmon -and $wpr ) { Write-Host "Unable to run procmon and wpr at same time" exit 1 } if ( ($wpr -or $minifilter) -And -Not [System.IO.File]::Exists("c:\windows\system32\wpr.exe")) { Write-Host "C:\Windows\System32\wpr.exe not found" exit 1 } if ( $wpr -and $minifilter ) { Write-Host "Select wpr or minifilter but not both" exit 1 } if ( $amsi -and -not [System.IO.File]::Exists("c:\windows\system32\logman.exe" )) { Write-Host "C:\Windows\System32\logman.exe not found" exit 1 } if ( -Not (Test-Path -Path "C:\temp") ) { New-Item -Path "C:\" -Name "temp" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null } New-Item -Path "C:\temp" -name $timeStamp -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null if ( $procmon ) { $procmonFile = Get-Procmon if ( !$procmonFile ) { Write-Host "Please download procmon and try again." exit 1 } } if ($keepEvents -Or $config) { $needUnlock = $true } # Switching to Confer folder so we can directly call repcli.exe Push-Location "C:\Program Files\Confer" if ( $procmon -and $ELAMSupported ) { Write-Host "Unprotecting CbDefense" .\repcli.exe bypass 1 .\repcli.exe registerProtectedSvcs 0 Write-Host "Restarting CbDefense" .\repcli.exe stopCbServices Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Start-Service -Name "CbDefense" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 .\repcli.exe bypass 0 } if ( $needUnlock ) { $uninstallCode = Read-Host "Enter the uninstall code to unlock restricted RepCLI commands." if ( !$uninstallCode ) { Write-Host "Uninstall code required." exit 1 } & "C:\Program Files\Confer\RepCLI.exe" unlock $uninstallCode *> $null if ( !$? ) { Write-Host "RepCLI unlock failed." exit 1 } } if ( $keepEvents ) { Write-Host "Enabling PscEventBatchKeepLocalCopy." $keepEventsOn | Out-File $keepEventsJson -Encoding utf8 .\repcli addpolicy psc $keepEventsJson if ( !$? ) { Write-Host "RepCLI addpolicy to retain PSC events failed." } } if ( $config ) { if ( [System.IO.File]::Exists( $configJsonFile )) { Write-Host "Update config settings from $configJsonFile" .\repcli addpolicy psc $configJsonFile if ( !$? ) { Write-Host "RepCLI addpolicy to set configs failed." } } else { Write-Host "File $configJsonFile not found." $config = $false; } } if ( $procmon ) { Write-Host "Disabling Tamper Protect policy" .\repcli.exe deletepolicy 1DED7E47-CE4C-448E-AD01-6F4AC3CE7F5D if ( !$? ) { Write-Host "RepCLI deletePolicy failed." } } if ( $keepEvents -or $config -or $procmon ) { Write-Host "Pausing 30 seconds to allow sensor to complete post-update policy activities." Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } if ( $wpr ) { Write-Host "Starting WPR capture" wpr -start GeneralProfile -start CPU -start Registry -start FileIO -start DiskIO -start Network -filemode } if ( $minifilter ) { Write-Host "Starting WPR capture" wpr -start GeneralProfile -start CPU -start Registry -start FileIO -start DiskIO -start Minifilter -start Network -filemode } if ( $netsh ) { Write-Host "Enabling CAPI2 events" $logName = 'Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2/Operational' $log = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogConfiguration $logName $saveCAPIState = $log.IsEnabled $saveCAPIMode = $log.LogMode $log.IsEnabled=$true $log.LogMode = 2 # 1 = AutoBackup 0 = Circular 2 = Retain $log.SaveChanges() Write-Host "Starting netsh trace" netsh trace start scenario=InternetClient capture=yes traceFile=$nettraceEtl } if ( $debug ) { Write-Host "Enabling debug" .\repcli.exe debug 1 .\repcli.exe kerneltrace 4 -1 } if ( $bypass ) { Write-Host "Sensor entering bypass mode" .\repcli bypass 1 } if ( $amsi ) { logman start amsisession -p {aa0a544f-5938-41c1-b992-81a1a81d4fa2} -o $amsiFile -ets } if ( $procmon ) { Write-Host "Starting procmon" $procmonCmd = "$procmonFile /AcceptEula /NoFilter /Quiet /Minimized /BackingFile " + $pmlFile Invoke-Expression $procmonCmd } # Reset counters unless skipreset is specified if ( $skipreset ) { Write-Host "Skipping counter reset" } else { Write-Host "Resetting counters" .\repcli.exe resetcounters } if ( $repmgrMajorMinor -ge 3.8 ) { .\repcli comment "cbs-sensor-capature - pausing for reproduction" } Write-Host "Reproduce behavior. If a general performance issue, allow enough time to pass to capture sufficient samples but not long enough for procmon/wpr size to become unweildly." Read-Host "Hit enter to stop trace and collect logs." #$Shell = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Shell" #$Button = $Shell.Popup("Reproduce behavior. Hit OK stop trace and collect logs.", 0, "start-trace.ps1", 0) if ( $repmgrMajorMinor -ge 3.8 ) { .\repcli comment "cbs-sensor-capature - ending reproduction" } # always capture counters even if resetcounters not specified Write-Host "Capturing counters" .\repcli.exe counters | Out-File $logFolder\counters.txt -Encoding utf8 if ( $debug ) { Write-Host "Turning off debug" .\repcli.exe debug 0 .\repcli.exe kerneltrace 0 } if ( $procmon ) { Write-Host "Stopping procmon" $procmonCmd = "$procmonFile /Terminate" Invoke-Expression $procmonCmd # wait for process to exit $procmonLeaf=[io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($procmonFile) $p = Get-Process $procmonLeaf -ea SilentlyContinue if ($p) { Wait-Process -Id $ } # Reset using paging file #$procmonCmd = "$procmonFile /AcceptEula /Quiet /Minimized /PagingFile /NoConnect" #Invoke-Expression $procmonCmd #$procmonCmd = "$procmonFile /WaitForIdle" #Invoke-Expression $procmonCmd #$procmonCmd = "$procmonFile /Terminate" #Invoke-Expression $procmonCmd } if ( $wpr -or $minifilter ) { Write-Host "Stopping WPR. This can take several minutes to complete." wpr -stop $wprFile } if ( $netsh ) { Write-Host "Exporting CAPI2 events" wevtutil epl Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2/Operational $capi2File Write-Host "Resetting CAPI2 event state" $log.IsEnabled = $saveCAPIState $log.LogMode = $saveCAPIMode $log.SaveChanges() Write-Host "Stopping netsh trace. This can take several minutes to complete." netsh trace stop tracerpt -l $nettraceEtl -export $nettraceMan } if ( $amsi ) { Write-Host "Capaturing AMSI ETL file" logman -stop -n amsisession -ets } Write-Host "Capturing sensor diagnostics" .\repcli.exe capture $logFolder -noSysDump if ( $procmon ) { if ( $ELAMSupported ) { Write-Host "Restoring CbDefense protected service status" .\repcli.exe bypass 1 .\repcli.exe registerProtectedSvcs 1 Write-Host "Restarting CbDefense" .\repcli.exe stopCbServices Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Start-Service -Name "CbDefense" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 .\repcli.exe bypass 0 } else { Write-Host "Re-enabling tamper policy" .\repcli.exe restorepolicy } } if ($bypass -and !$procmon) { Write-Host "Disabling bypass mode." .\repcli bypass 0 } # if procmon set, no need to disable PscEventBatchKeepLocalCopy if ( $keepEvents -and $uninstallCode -and !$procmon ) { Write-Host "Disabling PscEventBatchKeepLocalCopy." $keepEventsOff | Out-File $keepEventsJson -Encoding utf8 .\repcli addpolicy psc $keepEventsJson } try { Write-Host "Zipping files" Copy-Item $PSCommandPath -Destination $logFolder $zipFile="c:\temp\$hostName-$" $compress = @{ Path = $logFolder CompressionLevel = "Fastest" DestinationPath = $zipFile } Compress-Archive @compress -ea stop Remove-Item -Recurse $logFolder -Force Write-Host "Please upload "$zipFile" to CB Vault" } catch { Write-Host "Zip failed, please zip $logFolder and upload to CB Vault" } if ( $procmon -And $downloadProcmon ) { Remove-Item $procmonFile } Pop-Location