{ ".meta": { "comment": "Contains the trigger that sends Device Info and Detections to Red Canary. Trigger must be updated before it works, please see Red Canary documentation.", "created": 1667853939, "name": "Red Canary ExtraHop Enterprise Integration", "version": "", "version_min": "8.9" }, "Trigger": [ { "apply_all": false, "author": "Red Canary", "comment": null, "debug": true, "disabled": false, "events": "[\"DETECTION_UPDATE\"]", "hints": "{}", "name": "Red Canary Data Stream", "script": "// _______________________________________________________\n// PLEASE CHANGE THE FOLLOWING LINES\n// USING THE ALERT SOURCE URL FROM YOUR RED CANARY PORTAL\nconst integrationURL = \"https://prod1-use2-randomHex.prod1.collectors.redcanary.io:443/yourUniquePathHere/\"\n\n// This should match the name of the Remote HTTP Open Data Stream source that was created earlier\nconst remoteStreamName = 'RedCanary';\n\n// _______________________________________________________\n// PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE\n// _______________________________________________________\n\n// Goal here is to make the detection payload\n// similar to what we would see in a REST call to /detections\nconst payload = {}\npayload[\"id\"] = Detection.id\npayload[\"start_time\"] = Detection.startTime\npayload[\"update_time\"] = Detection.updateTime\npayload[\"end_time\"] = Detection.endTime\npayload[\"title\"] = Detection.title\npayload[\"description\"] = Detection.description\npayload[\"categories\"] = Detection.categories\npayload[\"risk_score\"] = Detection.riskScore\npayload[\"type\"] = Detection.type\npayload[\"properties\"] = Detection.properties\n\n// Both tactics and techniques are in Detections.mitreCategories:\npayload[\"mitre_tactics\"] = Detection.mitreCategories.filter(c => { /TA\\d+/.test(c.id) })\npayload[\"mitre_techniques\"] = Detection.mitreCategories.filter(c => { /T\\d+/.test(c.id) })\n\npayload[\"participants\"] = Detection.participants.map(participant => {\n const participantPayload = {\n \"id\": participant.id,\n \"role\": participant.role,\n \"object_json\": participant.object.toJSON()\n }\n\n const pobj = participant.object // Device | IPAddress | Application\n if (pobj instanceof Device){\n participantPayload[\"object_type\"] = \"device\"\n }\n else if(pobj instanceof IPAddress){\n participantPayload[\"object_type\"] = \"ipaddr\"\n participantPayload[\"object_value\"] = pobj.toString()\n }\n else if(pobj instanceof Application){\n // No-op, we have all the data we'd need\n }\n\n return participantPayload;\n})\n\n// Get the path from the URL\n// @ts-ignore\nconst path = integrationURL.match(/(https.*redcanary.io:443)(.*)/)[2]\n\nconst req = {\n 'path': path,\n 'headers': {\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json'\n },\n 'payload': JSON.stringify([payload])\n};\n\nRemote.HTTP(remoteStreamName).post(req);" } ] }